TMK Composting System

Our composting system design and frequent automated rotations ensure that the mixture is well-aerated, to foster optimal composting conditions and avoid the creation of unpleasant odors.

Thanks to a controlled process, a proper composting recipe heats the organic matter inside the bin to temperatures above 60-75 °C for a minimum of 24 hours. This enables the ideal conditions for the reduction and/or destruction of pathogens. After a curing period, the compost can then be used as a soil amendment, spread in fields according to current standards, or used in a multitude of other ways.

Facilities are custom-designed and built to suit specific needs and capacity requirements, allowing flexible operation for all situations. The result is a centralized solution, with the ability to incorporate resource recovery. All our solutions are highly customizable to suit your needs and comply with the local legislation standards and requirements.

Key components of the large-scale composting system include:
  • Automatic separator to separate food waste from any contamination with 95% accuracy
  • Fat, oil, and grease (FOG) separator
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Odor treatment by air deodorization (combination of UV filters, active charcoal filters, and scrubbing towers)
Additionally, for facilities larger than 50 tonnes per day, co-processing is introduced by anaerobically digesting the waste and collecting the gases for energy.
Co-processing combines the benefits of aerobic and anaerobic treatments to create a circular system. The biogas produced can be supplied back to the facility, resulting in low energy consumption.
Organic waste is a type of biodegradable waste of plant or animal origin, containing mainly carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc. Organic waste comes from expired food, spoiled fruit, and vegetables, catering waste, slaughterhouse waste, etc.
Normal landfill disposal is not only wasteful but also polluting (the methane gas produced by anaerobic decomposition is a greenhouse gas 20 times worse than carbon dioxide). The use of the composting system to reduce the size of organic waste and make compost, or for the production of feed is now a popular method of disposal.
An organic waste composting system includes a waste composting pre-treatment system and a fermenter. The pre-treatment system includes bin-lifters, sorting platforms, industrial shredders, dewatering machines, and discharge auger conveyors. 
TMK’s composting system is fully automatic and compact and processes all types of organic and horticulture waste. Noiseless, Odorless, Maintenance-free, No harmful gases are let out, and do not need a skilled person to operate it. The process is fully automatic and involves temperature-controlled processing of the waste.


TMK is one of the world’s leading organic waste solution providers. Our success is driven by our people and their passion to contribute to environmentally sound business solutions by transforming waste into something useful.


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